Pecha Kucha Night Winnipeg

2018-12-06T21:56:30+00:00December 6th, 2018|News, Writing|

On November 22, 2018, I was lucky enough to take part in Pecha Kucha Night Winnipeg. What's pecha kucha? It's a presentation of 20 slides, delivered in 20 seconds per slide. I decided to answer the on [...]

Sneak peek

2017-05-08T20:37:26+00:00May 3rd, 2017|Writing|

  While I'm waiting to start edits on my first novel Like This You Keep Them Alive, I've started working on the next one, tentatively titled Echoes. This new project is in the very early stages o [...]

From Ashes

2017-05-08T19:54:29+00:00March 17th, 2017|Writing|

Cicadas sing in a rise and fall chorus of summer outside my office window. Along with a slight breeze, the open window lets in the sound of children laughing, shrieking, hollering from the park across [...]

Women’s Work

2017-05-08T20:37:52+00:00March 15th, 2017|Writing|

  We had enjoyed a cozy chat over tea in her somewhat old-fashioned, but beautiful parlour. My editor had warned me that the old woman was still sharp-witted despite her advanced years and I foun [...]

Bedtime Story

2017-05-08T20:54:39+00:00March 1st, 2017|Writing|

FADE IN: EXTERIOR. DEAD-END STREET. LATE NIGHT. A street in an older neighbourhood. The houses are all over hundred years old. Many of the houses have large front porches. The street lights are on, ca [...]

A Brighter Green

2017-05-08T20:39:28+00:00February 21st, 2017|Writing|

  I heard people like stories like mine. Do you think you’ll be able to sell it? Remember what we agreed on. I get half because I’m giving you the words. You are my amanuensis; I am your muse. Su [...]